Orthodontics is the discipline of dentistry that is in charge of the study, diagnosis and treatment of pathologies associated with non-functional or unsightly bites.
In our clinics we have a team specialized in this area that through a meticulous study with photographs of the face and mouth, models of the arches and radiographic tests (teleradiography / orthopantomography and in some cases, a scanner when required) will be able to advise you on what is the best treatment for the aesthetic and functional arrangement of the bite.
After performing these tests, you will have an appointment with the orthodontist in charge of your case who will have made a correct interpretation of the results, in order to recommend which technique is the most effective for your treatment among all those that we offer.
Invisible orthodontics (INVISALIGN)
In our clinics, we work with the leading company in transparent aligners that have demonstrated reliability, seriousness and effectiveness for the longest time in the market.
The technique with transparent aligners is an innovative form of orthodontics in which braces and arches are not used, allowing for a reduction of sores, wounds, the sensation of a metallic smile, food retention and difficulty with dental hygiene in general.
Depending on the individual characteristics of the patient, this technique can be beneficial and even more effective in solving bite problems.
It is a very individualized technique in which, after the pertinent study and sending the models to the providing company in the USA, our professionals will prescribe tooth-by-tooth movements until the best position of your teeth is achieved. It is very interesting in this sense, since if there are teeth that are well placed, we have the option to maintain their position and focus only on the areas of the mouth where the malocclusion is located.
From this point, our professionals initiate close contact with the company in which they will guide and correct the movements to be carried out on each tooth.
When we determine that the model for the best possible bite is achieved at a functional and aesthetic level for the patient, we will give you an appointment in which you can see the sequence of movements and the final result before starting the treatment.
Depending on the amount of movement and therefore the necessary aligners, you will be assigned to a particular category determined by the manufacturer (express, lite, comprehensive or full).
If you agree with the treatment plan, our professionals will accept the case and we will receive all the aligners in a short time.
You will be given an appointment in which the doctor in charge of your case will give you the guidelines for the use of the aligners and will determine how many aligners will be provided until your next monthly appointment.
In this technique that we know as invisible, we use attachments that are composite points (filling) of the color of your tooth or lighter to perform more complex movements in some teeth.
The most important tips to follow will be:
- Wearing the aligners most of the day and night (only removing the aligners to eat and brush your teeth).
- Storing them in the boxes that we provide every time you take them off to avoid loss or breakage.
- Discussing with your doctor any alteration in the routine of use.
In summary, it is a treatment with high comfort and aesthetics, low pain and that allows a smooth adaptation to the daily routine of our patients.
This treatment requires a monthly control by the orthodontist in which he will ensure the correct adjustment and development of the process.
Fixed orthodontics
Early diagnosis of bite problems in children is very important since they tend to be problems that appear at an early age (5 years and older) and are easily resolved at these ages. However, they have poor prognosis in adulthood if they are not treated in time.
From 5 to 12 years old, our professionals can diagnose alterations in the growth of the bones of the maxilla and mandible through photographs, models and radiographs (orthopantomography and teleradiography).
The main problems that are usually detected are compression of the upper jaw (narrow palate), class II (jaw back or upper teeth very outward) and class III (jaw forward / prognathism).
There are severe cases that are visible even to the parents, but there are other cases in which the teeth move to compensate for these skeletal-based problems and mask the origin, making it more difficult for the parents to detect. That is why we recommend assessment by our trained professionals for the detection of this type of pathology.
The most frequent treatments in this early phase of growth are the use of a palatal expander, a jaw advance device or a face mask. Depending on the particularities of the malocclusion, the devices will be removable or fixed and for total or partial use over time.
We insist on the importance of this diagnosis at an early age, which at this moment and until the replacement of all the teeth has little to do with dental alignment, since most of the teeth are still milk teeth. Treatment is focused on the concordance between upper and lower bone in width and length, as well as in some cases gaining space to give the teeth the opportunity to erupt in the mouth when the arch size is reduced through upper or lower expansions (the upper canines being the teeth that are most frequently trapped due to lack of space).
Book your appointment
You can book your appointment right now at any of our clinics