Maxillofacial surgery
Maxillofacial surgery
Dr. Martínez Navarro is a national referent in this specialty and is recognized not only by his patients but also by his fellow specialists. His extensive experience and knowledge of all areas of maxillofacial surgery are a seal of guarantee for our patients.
Maxillofacial Surgery is a very broad specialty in which we handle all head and neck pathology, facial trauma, oncology and oro-cervical and facial tumors, temporomandibular joint pathology, dentofacial deformities, craniofacial malformations, craniofacial reconstruction and facial aesthetics.
Orthognathic surgery
It is the surgery that we perform to correct those malformations or deformities that affect the maxillary bones and have an practical or aesthetic impact on the teeth. Most cases affect both chewing and aesthetics, although with proper planning these are correctable. Some of the most common deformities are:
- Prognathism; It may be due to an increase in the mandible or due to a deficit in the projection of the maxilla, or due to both causes.
- Retrognathism; in which the jaw is small, causing an overbite that is usually associated with a small retruded chin.
- Laterognathism; when there is a deviation of the jaw to one side. It is usually caused by a greater growth of one of the branches of the jaw, thus causing the chin to deviate.
- Open Bite; many times it is derived from or associated with retrognathism or by prolonged use of the pacifier or the finger in the mouth during childhood. It implies that when the mouth is closed, there is an opening between the upper and lower incisors.
The most common techniques to correct them are mono maxillary surgeries (only operating the upper jaw or mandible), bimaxillary (both jaws are operated and can be segmented or not) and mentoplasty (chin replacement surgery to correct deviations, deficits or excess of projection). The first two are performed in the operating room with general anesthesia and are generally short-term (48-72 hours). Mentoplasty is performed at the clinic with local anesthesia and conscious sedation and on an outpatient basis. Dr. Martínez is part of the exclusive club of 2 or 3 surgeons nationwide that perform this surgery this way.
Maxillary Expansion Surgery (SARPE)
During childhood or adolescence, the joints of our facial bones are still open and therefore when it is necessary to model or expand the palate we achieve it with appliances or with micro screws. However, when growth is complete, these bonds are solid and to allow expansion we need to weaken them . SARPE consists of a surgery in which we weaken these joints in the upper jaw, thus allowing the palate to expand when there is a crossbite, excessive crowding of the teeth or a narrow and high palate (ogival palate). In addition, patients who undergo this surgery also benefit from better nasal breathing because there is an increase in the passage of air through the nostrils. This procedure, like mentoplasty, is performed almost exclusively in Andalusia at the clinic, with local anesthesia and conscious sedation and on an outpatient basis, which is advantageous to our patients both clinically and economically.
Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) pathology
The TMJs are the most complex joints in our body and are not exempt from pathology, derived from the meniscus or the bones that form it, and whose main symptom is PAIN. In our clinic, we provide excellent results in the conservative management of pain and joint pathology such as blockages, bruxism, etc. This means that there are only a few cases that need more intense procedures such as arthroscopy or open surgery, thus freeing our patients from complex procedures that do not always yield the expected result.
Craniomandibular pain and tension-type headache
In many cases it is produced by interrelated alterations in the muscles that participate in chewing and the cervical. In our clinic we effectively treat these disorders conservatively or with botox infiltration, freeing our patients from chronic headaches and jaw pain and, on many occasions, cervical and jaw tension.
Craniofacial trauma
The treatment of facial trauma must be carried out early to avoid the appearance of aftereffects and to restore the facial bones. These procedures must be performed in a hospital environment under general anesthesia. It should always be done with the fewest possible incisions that do not entail additional scars.
Surgery for head and neck tumors
Head and neck tumors can be benign or malignant. The most important thing in this type of tumor is early diagnosis that will allow for a minor surgery with fewer aftereffects and better control of the disease. Secondly, precise knowledge of the different therapeutic options is important so as to ensure the highest possible success rate. The third and no less important thing is the surgeon’s skill. For this, extensive experience and specialization are required and in that sense Dr. Martínez Navarro has all the necessary recognition for this purpose.
Post-cancer and post-traumatic reconstructive surgery
When there are physical aftereffects derived from oncological operations or after severe facial trauma, they are usually very limiting and severe. There are many strategies to treat and improve these aftereffects, sometimes through small interventions or infiltrations and others with major surgeries such as microsurgical reconstruction. Dr. Martínez Navarro has the experience and training necessary to address the problems that derive from these aftereffects, thus improving the quality of life of patients.
Surgery for craniofacial malformations
They are fortunately infrequent but very complex pathologies that arise at birth in a congenital or hereditary manner, and are at the top of all major surgeries that are performed in the specialty of Maxillofacial Surgery. Dr. Martínez Navarro, together with the pediatric Neurosurgeon, established the Craniofacial Surgery Unit at the Maternal and Child Hospital and led it for 15 years, being pioneers and leaders in craniofacial distraction techniques and craniofacial remodeling in pediatric ages.
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